Candy Shenanigans
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Captain Pe'vIl

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Captain Pe'vIl Empty Captain Pe'vIl

Post by Minty_SWB Fri Apr 14, 2023 3:35 pm

Captain Pe'vIl Gkcstq6

• Name: Pe'vIl, daughter of Wa'maHcha', zantai of line Kozak
• Age: 42
• Race: Klingon
• Pronouns: she/they
• Division, job, and rank: Captain of the USS Marianela

• Personality: Curt and to the point, not one for pleasantries but still places a high priority on getting to know her crew well. They cherish those that she leads despite their seemingly cold attitude. Very prideful.
• Bio: Orphaned at a young age, idolized Worf from a young age and left the Klingon empire to pursue a career with Starfleet. She distinguished herself early on in her career and advanced the ranks quickly. They have been pressured for many years now to accept a promotion from Captain but has firmly refused every time. Their heart resides at the helm of a ship.
• Misc info you wish to include: temporary char until someone else wishes to make a captain char

Posts : 7
Join date : 2023-04-14

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