Candy Shenanigans
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Ensign Kizoret

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Ensign Kizoret Empty Ensign Kizoret

Post by Minty_SWB Fri Apr 14, 2023 3:59 pm

Ensign Kizoret Z8SolZk

• Name: Kizoret Enan
• Age: 261
• Race: El-Aurian
• Pronouns: he/him
• Division, job, and rank: Communications specialization, operations division, Ensign

• Personality: Kiz is quiet, often lost in thought and rather clumsy due to this. In his free time he can be rather ditzy and awkward, but when focusing at work is a stellar communications officer known to be incredibly linguistically gifted.
• Bio: He's not one to share his past with many. What people do know of him was that he did not join Starfleet until 20 years ago, and rarely speaks of his experiences before. He's only ever served on the USS Marianela and is incredibly loyal to Captain Pe'vIl.
• Misc info you wish to include: Absolutely horrendous at chess but loves to play it anyways

Posts : 7
Join date : 2023-04-14

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