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Lieutenant Leon Sulu

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Lieutenant Leon Sulu Empty Lieutenant Leon Sulu

Post by GundamKatayanagi Fri Apr 14, 2023 7:54 pm

Name:  Leon-Stoffel Sulu
• Age:  31
• Race: Human
• Pronouns:  He/Him
• Division, job, and rank:  Command, Flight Control Officer, Lieutenant

• Personality:  Very laid back, kind and a bit of a jokester like his ancestors.  Prefers the comfort of his quarters or the pilot's seat on the bridge.  He takes his brotherly instinct from his time as a flight instructor to the bridge, being warm and approachable to his cohorts.
• Bio:  Leon Sulu graduated with top marks in Starfleet Academy's aerospace program and became a flight instructor, building time and reading manuals in his spare time.  Eventually he would be posted to the USS Steadfast, followed by one year on the Enterprise-B following in the footsteps of his grandmother. During a check ride for renewing his license, he was secretly being examined as a potential candidate as a Flight Control Officer on one of the newest ships in development: the Prometheus-class ship USS Marianela.  Upon finding out the details of the ship, he eagerly accepted the offer to be the Flight Control Officer of the ship.
• Misc info you wish to include:  He got his pilot's license before he ever learned how to drive a car.  He also is very adamant about being straight edge due to an incident during the academy where one of his friends died while joyriding in an airplane while under the influence.

Last edited by GundamKatayanagi on Fri Apr 14, 2023 7:56 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Picture not showing.)

Posts : 5
Join date : 2023-04-14

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